Sleep Apnea Testing

sleep apnea

How Is Sleep Apnea Diagnosed?

There are multiple steps in the diagnostic process for sleep apnea that must be performed by a physician.

Medical History and Examination

An assessment of a person’s symptoms and general health, as well as a physical examination, are usually the first steps in a sleep apnea evaluation. This is intended to spot sleep apnea symptoms and pinpoint risk factors that can aggravate the condition.

Sleep Study

For some patients who are thought to have more severe OSA, an at-home sleep test for the condition is a possibility. Even if taking a sleep apnea test at home may be more practical, a physician must still evaluate the data.


For patients that exhibit symptoms or trigger warning signs for sleep apnea, the next step is a home sleep test. Best Sleep Today is partnered with restAssured to ensure an accurate diagnosis can be made from the comfort of your own home. A virtual call with a board-certified sleep physician gives patients the peace of mind that they need as they navigate their first steps in treating sleep apnea.

At-Home Sleep Apnea Tests

A home sleep examination is conducted in the comfort of your bed using single-use, user-friendly, and precise equipment.


The majority of sleep apnea tests done at home measure physical factors to diagnose sleep apnea. The typical criteria measured during a home sleep apnea test include:


  • Breathing patterns, chest movements, and respiration
  • The blood oxygen level and heart rate
  • Actigraphy, or motor activity and movement during the night
  • Position changes when sleeping
  • The frequency and severity of snoring

At-home testing has become more advanced with wearable sensors.

You can sleep comfortably without interruptions by placing The Ring on your left thumb. No body straps or nasal tubes are needed.

So What’s Next?

Don’t worry! If your at-home sleep test confirms you have sleep apnea, Best Sleep Today is ready to help you treat your OSA with a simple oral appliance, not a CPAP machine. You can learn more about our oral appliance therapy here!

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